In this image, I focused on the composition of the photo and the colors involved to give off the desired vibe. I was able to have this blue hue on my photo through settings in my camera, and the touched it up and cropped it in Adobe Photoshop. I also used the Healing Tool in erase any small objects in the picture that may be distracting to the main focal point-- the man with the boogie board.

This photo was edited with Adobe Photoshop with tools such as sharpen, dodge, burn, and sponge. I focused on using those tools mainly to make the edges of the flower petals crisp, and then add color and contrast to the flower. In my camera, I was able to improve my understanding of aperture by getting a close up focal shot.

This image was created in Photoshop and took several steps to achieve. I worked a lot on Layer Styles in order to give the letters dimension, and I also learned how to use/download a font, brush, glitter styles, etc.

I used the inverted setting in Photoshop to create this image of the Macaw. However, I also used other tools such as dodge, burn, and sharpen to accentuate lines in the photo.

In this image, I used a photo of an random female child and a cracked paint image. I was able to reduce the opacity of the cracked paint photo and then erase in places to give off the illusion her skin was cracking. I also used dodge, burn, and sponge to darken and add more color to her eyes and lips. This project was somewhat new to me, but good practice.

Here, I learned how to separate and move the color layers of the photo itself. I was able to select the blue and red layer and then shift them to the left or right to give off a 3D effect. This was a new challenge for me.

This image was created in Photoshop and I followed a tutorial on tutsplus.com. Through this project, I became more advanced/familiar with the Layer Styles and making the letters look realistic. Although it did not turn out exactly how I wanted it to, it is still very similar to the example in the tutorial.